why you should write your own book
A selection of writing tools, book, pens, a clock …

Why should you write a book? 

In a nutshell, this truly is the Information Age & many individual rewards are to be reaped by writing & publishing a book.

However, the most obvious & appealing would be;

1. Become an esteemed authority on your subject- this benefit of writing a book alone can have MASSIVE off-shoots expanding into other platforms and opportunities.

Because these can be speaking events, podcasts, book clubs, book signings and other business related activities which can fruition from writing to an engaged audience.

Your name will be catapulted as an established expert which people admire & look up to when they associate you to your topic.

Think of this creative writing project as a springboard to access a vast array of greater earning potential as consultants use this tried-and-tested avenue to launch themselves as ‘the credible go-to source’.

Regardless, if your book is your writing project fruitions into an e-book, published or self-published, the rewards still follow.

Why You Should Write Your Own Book Can Increase Your Earning Potential!

2. Increased earning potential. As outlined above, once you become an established author, the credence that comes with this allows you to charge more for further products & services that tie in with this particular niche.

In addition to this, you will have developed a stream of residual income.

Work smarter, not just harder.

Immortalize Your Name With A Legacy To Last!

3. Your Legacy is a key driver as to why you should write your own book.

This is probably the next best thing to immortality as your published work will be read long after your natural time.

The pride & self-respect that your friends & family will hold for you is priceless!

Your Book Is Your Gateway To Other Opportunities!

4.  Fired up & boosted confidence for much bigger prospective goals!

Once you have written and published your book, an overwhelming sense of euphoria & accomplishment will quite literally wash over & fill you up to naturally strive to achieve more.

The New Business Card Is A Published Book!

5. Your book is quite literally your new business card.

These days books are quite affordable to print & naturally this leads to their distribution as a business card, only you hand two over; one to your recipient & another to their friend.

By doing this not only do you promote yourself…

But also add much perceived value that your book was given to them personally by an author…

Which has more impact? A business card or a signed book?

Yes. You can personally sign it.

Makes $$$’s Through Your Very Own Sales Funnel! Here’s How…

6. Lead Generation Product is in this case the published book which can be used as an entry level product.

Although initially priced at an inexpensive first part of your ‘sales funnel’ which is as the term suggests a line of products ascending in price points

The tried & tested model is that you draw the customer in to buy into deeper levels of your topic.

Trust me, it works!

So for example, your book and subject matter may be about basic Italian cookery for beginners.

Your second book is aimed at intermediate level Italian cooks.

Only this comes complete with a DVD & cookery plans that you can write on & progress in a series of recipes.

The third may be all of the first and second, but this third level offers Italian cookery at professional chef level and has personal one-to-one coaching with yourself…

Or in this case an expert on Italian cookery.

Level 3 is priced much higher than one and two as it is more in depth and involving.

Can you see how writing & publishing just a simple entry level book can transcend into other more lucrative opportunities?

Your Very Own Unique Customer Database.

7. Create Your Own Customer Database allows an opening for your published book to sign your audience up to your own unique database.

So this means that not only allowing for your readers to contact you directly.

But, also keep them on an ‘exclusive priority mailing’ allowing notification of a special discount on new offers & products as an when they become available.

This can be expanded to podcasts, radio shows, television appearances, speaking engagements, etc…

Is this all coming together now?

You just need to get the initial momentum going!

Further plus points to add which can go in your favour is that you don’t have to write in a particular style.

Neither is an or advanced professional English qualification required.

Though your creative writing does need to be spelling mistake free, but there are verification programs such as Grammerly to help with this.

And just to further put your mind at ease, you don’t need to invest in any book writing software! 

But, I do know from first-hand experience writing my own Betting For Success newsletters and e-books that over time you will find your own unique ‘writer’s voice’.

If you would like to know how I made a start writing from a complete standstill,(like yourself), click below;

Here Is How I Got Started On My Writing Adventure.

I know that if you’re really hungry to see your book writing venture be a published success..

To really hit the top with laser guided tuition from one of the UK’s leading book writing coaches, how would you feel if you had this tuition?

Available 24/7 and to help get your book published within as little as 90 days, click on the link below;

Amazon Bestseller! Licence To Print Money – Licence To Print Money (licence-to-print-money.com)

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