Struggling Authors & Budding Writers Take Your Share Of This $300 Million Amazon KDP Pie By Following Exactly What These Successful Writers Did To Grasp Once-Elusive Ebook Riches!
All Revealed Inside…
Ebook Riches? Sounds very much like a book writing pie-in-the-sky scheme, doesn’t it?
Well, maybe back in the day when publishing houses had the keys to control and exert their dominance over your creative writing endeavours.
Thankfully, those darker days are over.
Now much in favour of independent book writing publishing which is where ebook riches can be and are created.
These days as everyday normal people have had a taste of their own ebook riches.
Largely thanks to Amazon KDP whereby you can write your book, promote and publish.
Independent Amazon KDP Self Publishing
So many writers are now favouring the KDP route over conventional publishing.
Ebook riches delivers all of the above and so much more in order to guide, nurture and fruition your book writing efforts…
Into ultimately your end goal of getting your book published, promoted and most importantly selling!
And equally just as important, reducing the associated stress that comes with what may seem like a daunting task, but once you have a successful ebook riches formula, a roadmap to where you want to ultimately arrive will be mapped out for you.
If you are struggling to write your book and you want a step-by-step system as simple as 1-2-3 then Ebook Riches is definitely for you!
How Can Writing A Book Elevate You Beyond Material Ebook Riches?
Answering this is quite simple as being an author of your own book will establish you as a source of credence within your field.
Because this will act as a gateway which will ultimately and quite literally open up another world of opportunities that may not have once been available to you.
Which coincidentally allows me to demonstrate this as you continue reading….
Can You Appreciate Just How This One Famous Movie Quote Inspired The Hell Out Of Me?
Before I continue any further, the question above is the centrepiece of what you are reading.
And no, it doesn’t really have anything to do with Ebook Riches!
It was around 2010 that I wanted to get my teeth into something that I could put my stamp on…
You know, leave my mark if you will?
And even though I didn’t consciously think of it at the time…
My mind had always been quite literally imprinted by a profound 1997 film starring epic actor Anthony Hopkins.
It was all about a survival movie called The Edge…
It was all about a couple of guys who after a plane crash had to survive the elements, including avoiding being eaten by a bear…that ought to do it!
Within the film, Sir Anthony declares;
”What one man can do, another man can do!!”
And because of this profound statement from a movie picture,(again a film is just a story on…well on film!).
It stayed and remained rooted within my subconscious mind until I really needed a moment of inspiration…
And lo & below, there it was!
Nothing to do with Ebook Riches…but not far off.
You see, I had just got myself involved with a national publishing company and after paying a nominal sum, I got involved with their Omega Programme.
This naturally had been designed to stir your,(or my), creative writing juices.
Betting For Success Was Born!!
Consequently leading me to write about a subject which I had been very passionate about since my formative teenage years; sports betting!!
Naturally in time, writing about my online sports gambling magazine, ‘Betting For Success’ had been born!
A biz opp magazine called The Biz Opp Jungle, by entrepreneur Charlie Wright had taken a keen interest in my creative writing project.
Naturally, this had taken another turn into another yet again, prosperous avenue.
Of course, in between all this I started attracting a cult following….
Many were sports betting aficionado’s who relished a new young bright eyed and bushy tailed up-and-coming editor,(myself!).
Somebody who could cover the sports market whilst still writing successful tips on what to bet on…
And which market and how to get the best price or odds.
As you may have figured out by now, two things;
a) I am not some how-to-write or Ebook Riches clued up master writer!
b) Having found and uncovered my ‘thing’, I knew that after some diligent research, certain people,(the market), would want to read what I would write about.
Anyway, after about a year or so my creative writing, I had attracted the attention of a national publishing house.
I was overjoyed when they wanted to collaborate with me on again the theme of an online sports betting magazine.
This time as I would be the chief writer it had been aptly called;
The Lion’s Share,(after myself, Eddie Lyons!).
Therefore, within several months, this national online magazine had grown to the point where it had captured the watchful eye of More Money Review.
Their editor,(at the time), Michelle Roberts had written an article about myself and the service which we offered.
I was and still am very pleased to say that it was very well received with positive feedback!
Do you still think that book writing, ebook riches or creative writing had been a coincidence opening door after door?
Hopefully, by now you can unravel, perhaps in time, what could be ‘your thing’ to write about?
Consequently, the key point to take away here is this;
Book writing, creative writing, (even Ebook Riches!), can open up worlds which may have never even been an option for you.
Get involved today & discover ‘your thing’ by ordering this downloadable comprehensive guide on Ebook Riches and uncover how you can;
Ways To Banish Writer’s Block & Complete Your Book
Design, Develop & Create Stunning Visual Images To Make Your Book Really Stand Out!
Edit Your Book Professionally & With Minimum Of Stress
Format Your Book In Order To Deliver Aesthetically Pleasing Results!
Working With Freelance Writers To Get Only Outstanding Results & ROI!
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